Single Origin / Light Roast

Ethiopia Bookkisa


Earl Gray, peach rings, buttercream & lavender

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About Ethiopia Bookkisa

Earl Gray, peach rings, buttercream & lavender.

Roast Level:

Light Roast

Story Of The Bean:

From the importer, Osito:

"We have been working with Ture Waji since the very beginning of Sookoo. In fact, David, who does the majority of our Ethiopian sourcing, purchased coffee from Ture for a number of years prior to the establishment of Sookoo. In those days Ture was managing
farms/production in Guji, southern Ethiopia, a part of Ethiopia that Ture knows as well as anyone (and better than most). This is, of course, where Ture gets his nickname, "The King of Guji." The land, the people, the coffees... Ture knows them all better than anyone we have ever met."

How It's Made:

Varietal: Gibirinna 74110 & Serto 74112
Processing: Washed
Region: Guji (Zone), Shakisso (Woreda), Hangadhi (Kebele)
Producer: Ture Waji

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